身體陪伴靈魂的二十個生活行動 Twenty Exercises for the Body to Be the Soul’s Companion
Have you lost your soul in the hustle and bustle of everyday life? The book offers 20 exercises to align your soul and body, allowing them to be each other’s companion.

書籍介紹 About the Book
面對生命的孤獨。哲學家時常探問生命的意義,若生活本無意義,我們是否該積極前行或是躺平對抗?靈魂探索既無盡也沒有答案,我知道,卻還是不自覺地沉醉其中,對未來的不確定、與生命較勁都成了一種毒癮,恐懼蔓延,慌亂不安。面對人與人之間的孤獨、親友伴侶間的生離死別,時間流動,關係與情感變化是常態。無常的人類好像很不可靠,無法彼此倚賴,而相對於別人,自己也同樣是不可靠的,公平,又可悲。即使有一個完美人類能完全信任,像個偉大的母親,不求回報、單向付出,反過來自省:總不能讓自己過度依賴。世間只得我一個。面對各種孤獨,向內尋找安定,自己陪伴自己,也可能是最理想的狀態。靈魂承載記憶與情感,身體負責地表生命活動,兩者各有所司。我習慣把靈魂與身體合稱為「我們」,設計了二十個行動,從眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意一一著手,暫別靈魂掉入思考的漩渦,把時間交給身體帶領,身體陪伴靈魂。這裡不是一個教室,你不需要按順序安排去體驗行動;這裡也不是自助餐,讓你揀取偏愛的行動。你可以採取「抽籤」方法,隨機,不執著,讓事情「偶然發生」。當你和我都經驗著本書同樣的生活行動,各自留下不輕不重、相似又不盡相同的足跡,彼此多了些說不清的特殊連結,「我們」與「我們」不相依更不相知,卻為各自的存在點頭問候。這是送給大家及自己的禮物——獨處時最好的陪伴。We face existential loneliness. Philosophers often inquire about the meaning of life. If life is meaningless, should we actively move forward or simply drift along? Soul-searching is an endless quest where there is no answer. I know that, but I cannot help indulging in it. Unsure about the future, I keep wrestling with life for certainty, which has become a toxic addiction. My fear spreads, fuelling my anxiety.We face interpersonal loneliness. We part with our spouses, kin, and friends in our life and at their death. Time passes. Relationships and feelings constantly change. The changing humans seem to be so unreliable that they cannot lean on each other. We are equally undependable. It is fair yet pathetic. Even if there is a perfectly trustworthy human, like a great mother who always gives without expecting anything in return, I will admonish myself: You cannot be overly reliant on her.I am alone in this world.To cope with different types of loneliness, I seek peace from within. Being my own companion may be the best solution.The soul carries memories and emotions, while the body is responsible for physical activities on the earth.I am used to addressing the soul and body as “We,” and I have designed 20 Exercises to do for the soul to take a short break from thinking. Doing them activates the senses of vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. It lets the body take the lead and keep the soul company.You do not have to perform them in order, for you are not in a classroom, but you cannot choose your preferences as you are not in a cafeteria. You may use a draw. It is random. Let it be. Just let things happen.Having done the Exercises mentioned in the book, you will leave marks that have a weight, similar to mine, contributing to an inexplicable bond between us. Our “Wes” do not rely on or even know each other, but in this way, they nod a mutual greeting to validate their existence. It is a gift for you and me – your best companion in solitude.
推薦語 Recommendations作者以自身為藍本,向我們提供一連串足以穿越無常表象、讓自我身體得以重新解讀的感知解碼。
Based on her experience, the author offers us a series of perceptual cues to see through the appearance of change for a different understanding of ourselves and our bodies.吳衛鳴,藝術家 Ung Vai Meng, Artist這是藝術家的一次思索之旅,也是她的「超前部署」,以行動實踐思考的路徑。
This is the artist’s thought journey, proactive planning, and way of executing her ideas.李銳俊,石頭公社創始人 Jane, Lei Ioi Chon, Founder of Comuna de Pedra一本關於身體的習作,更是送給靈魂的禮物。
Body practices that are gifts to the soul.米哈,香港作家 Miha, Hong Kong Writer常說藝術家對世界總有敏銳的觸覺,這本不一樣的作品集,正好讓我們一起從紛擾的生活裏悄悄放空⋯⋯
It is often said that artists possess a keen sense of perception of the world, and this distinctive collection of works enables us to gradually detach ourselves from life's distractions.魂游,藝術家 Wen Yau, Artist靈性的旅程需要身體的支持,而身體的完美則是靈魂滋養的顯化。我喜歡這些詩意般的陪伴方法。
The spiritual journey requires the support of the body, and the perfection of the body is the manifestation of the nourishment of the soul. I like these poetic approaches to companionship.王雁盟,「The Soul Plan 靈魂計劃」主持人、音樂家、占星師 Yenmeng Wang, Host of “The Soul Plan, ” Musician, Astrologer
出版資訊 Publication Information作者Author:梁祖賢 Joein, Leong Chou In編輯 Editor:林香君 Lin Hsiang Chun設計 Book Design:鄭志偉 Chiwai Cheang @SomethingMoon Design統籌 Coordination:林小雯 Lam Sio Man譯者 Translation:順意翻譯 Puzzlefree Translation出版 Published by:埋欄文化 Myland Culture發行 Distribution:燈塔出版社 Guia Editora印刷 Printing and Binding:華輝印刷有限公司 Welfare Printing Ltd.出版資助 Sponsor:澳門基金會 Macao Foundation二零二三年三月澳門初版一刷
First Printing, First Edition, March 2023 | Published and printed in Macao

展覽介紹 About the Exhibit
If one has a project - or more precisely, is living in a project - one always is already in the future.
- Boris Groys, "The Loneliness of the Project”Twenty Exercises for the Body to Be the Soul’s Companion is an ongoing project conceived and implemented by artist Joein, Leong Chou In. It began in 2021 as a series of simple body exercises and has since evolved into an artist book and a portable art exhibition.Starting with the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind, the artist designs and initiates twenty life actions, inviting individuals to dedicate brief moments of time to their physical being and allowing the body to become a companion to the soul.In this exhibition, the artist has chosen several exercises from the book for the audience to participate in, using various tools and prompts. For example, the exhibition includes a treadmill and a recording device that allows the audience to walk and meditate on “Who Am I?” within the exhibition space; reciting “So That You Will Hear Me,” Pablo Neruda’s love poem, in various foreign languages to create “Beautiful Misunderstanding”; providing the digits of Pi for the "Sound Making Exercise" without any intention to provoke thought; offering free water from an in-house bakery to practice "Good Deeds Bringing Good Outcomes"; and giving away cat food to encourage the audience to take a stroll down the street and experience "Connection with Other Creatures” after the exhibition. Some other exercises are only available as public programs during the exhibition period, designed to extend the experience and foster connections among individuals who “do not rely on or even know each other."With books as the medium, the artist creates, demonstrates and documents these simple life actions that take no more than thirty minutes and can be practiced by anyone. Anyone can claim them, and anyone will find such a choice and freedom. Through the exhibition, the audience is curious about how to free these ideas in space and spread them through action.Strictly speaking, there are no art pieces displayed here. Only some assignments and tools are arranged to propose a future life and document some people who are already on their way.This exhibition is curated by Lam Sio Man, organized by MyLand Culture and is part of the MyLand Living Room art space program.........................策展人 Curator:林小雯 Lam Sio Man策展支援 Curatorial Support:陸竹 Pal Lok藝術家 Artist:梁祖賢 Joein, Leong Chou In........................展期 On View
2023.4.7-5.1(逢週四休息 Closed on Thursdays)展覽開幕及書籍發佈 Exhibition Opening & Book Launch
2023.4.7(週五 Friday) 15:00地點 Location
At Light 澳門卑第圍1號地下 (南灣政府總部後方,前往慈幼中學斜路中段)At Light, Patio do Padre Narciso No.1, Macao免費入場
Free Admission
........................贊助 Sponsors
出版 Publication:澳門基金會 Macao Foundation
展覽 Exhibition:文化發展基金 Cultural Development Fund展覽支持 Exhibition Is Supported By
At Light、默默菓子屋 Mak Mak Store聲音互動作品朗讀 Sound Installations Performed By
張健文 Cheong Kin Man, 小山文美Hisami Koyama, Sergio Pardo López, António Conceição, 박소영 Soyoung Park
延伸活動 Public Programs👉🏻「我們」在澳門做書 —— 藝術家 x 策展人對談
「藝術家書 」是20世紀中期開始流行的一種藝術形式,通常是由藝術家主導製作和出版的書籍,包含藝術家的創作、思考、理念和觀看世界的方式。是次對談活動,藝術家和策展人將分享《身體陪伴靈魂的二十個生活行動》的創作和出版,談談書與藝,孤獨與陪伴,創作與行動。
梁祖賢 Joein Leong,澳門藝術家,擅於利用纖細的女性觸覺創作,試探領域包括錄像、攝影、設計、陶藝及填詞,藉以對生命、對世界作出回應。作品曾於北京、西安、重慶、首爾、台北、香港、澳門展出。
林小雯Sioman Lam,獨立策展人,於澳門及紐約間生活及工作。其策展視野形塑自兩地活絡的文化土壤及藝術社群,關注另類的藝術實踐,著重以當代策展開啟對話。曾任威尼斯雙年展澳門館策展人、紐約市政府公共藝術項目策展人。
►日期及時間: 4月29日(週六)17:00
►地點:At light--------------------------------👉🏻 「我們」與世界短暫對立 —— 行動體驗工作坊
►地點:At Light
►合作咖啡烘焙品牌 Beans Aloud
►人數:10個靈魂--------------------------------👉🏻 「我們」與「我們 」的一小時 —— 行動體驗工作坊
►日期及時間: 4月29日(週六)15:00
►地點:At light 或戶外
►備註:1. 參加者須自備一台相機或具相機功能的智能手機。 2. 未年滿12歲的參加者,均需要1名成年人陪同參與。 3. 是次活動可能涉及戶外活動,請穿著舒適的服裝和鞋子,如有慢性疾病或體力不足等問題,應提前聯絡主辦單位或諮詢醫生的意見。--------------------------------◆以上活動全部免費參加◆座位有限,報名從速:http://hk.mikecrm.com/XmggdJT◆活動出席者可以九折優惠購買書籍《身體陪伴靈魂的二十個生活行動》◆查詢:[email protected]
作品介紹 Artwork Descriptions

1.《種善因得善果》Good Deeds Bringing Good Outcomes
互動作品 Interactive Piece行動指示:請駐場的默默菓子屋主理人為您提供一杯水,向水說好多好多好多好說話。然後慢慢喝下。
Instruction: Ask the owner of Mak Mak Store to provide you with a glass of water and say many, many, many positive words to the water. Then drink it slowly.<><><><><><><>實驗指出,水有乘載能量的能力。向水說好話能結出美麗的晶體,用說了好話的水澆花,花會長得又大又美。相反地,說壞話發放負能量,晶體會破裂結成不規則,澆出的花,也會垂頭喪氣。成人體內有50-60% 水份,來給自己換點水,換點好能量。Experiments show that water holds energy. Saying something positive to water produces beautiful water crystals. Flowers watered with the water to which positive words are uttered grow bigger and prettier. Conversely, saying something negative gives negative energy, causing water crystals to break into irregular shapes. Flowers watered with the water that has absorbed negative energy will droop.Around 50-60% of human body is water. Give yourself some water with positive energy.
2.《我是誰》Who Am I?
互動作品 Interactive Piece行動指示:使用 Ipad錄下您的名字並播放,聽著自己叫喊自己的名字,踏上跑步機漫步15分鐘。
Instruction: Use the Ipad to record your name and listen to the recording while walking on the treadmills. Walk slowly for 15 minutes.<><><><><><><>我的名字等不等於我自己?這個問題一直都在,我很大程度抗拒用任何名稱名詞標籤自己,像是被困在一個框框內。卻又不得不承認有些時候,甚至很多時候,都喜歡父親給予的這個名字,並接受這就是我身體與靈魂的合稱。聽著自己的聲音叫自己的名字,有著一種熟悉的不確定,彷彿像是自己,亦像是在稱呼別的個體,在確定與迷失之間。然而,我相信迷失過後仍能生存的人,能更堅實地存在。Am I my name? This question always lingers in my mind. To a large extent, I refuse to label myself with a name or noun, or else I would feel trapped in a frame, but I have to admit that I sometimes and even often like the name my father gave me and accept that it is the name for my body and soul.Listening to my voice calling my name gives me a familiar uncertainty. It is like calling myself, yet it is also like calling someone else - a state between certainty and lostness. However, I believe that people who are able to survive being lost will exist more solidly.
3.《發聲練習》Sound Making Exercise
互動作品 Interactive Piece行動指示:無意識地朗讀圓周率。
Instruction: Read out the Pi digits without thinking of anything else.<><><><><><><>讓靈魂稍作休息的方法,也許是專注。生命有沒有意義?完不了的圓周率有沒有意義?當我們無意識地讀著不知道有沒有意義的圓周率,用人類的語言發出人類的聲音,這15分鐘,沒有在馬克思主義中產生作用,但我們決定了這15分鐘做著些什麼,我們為自己做決定,並存在著。Being concentrated may be a way for the soul to get some rest.Does life have a meaning? Do the endless decimal places of Pi have a meaning? In the 15 minutes when we, thinking of nothing else, make human sounds in a human language by reading out the Pi digits, something we do not know if is meaningful or not, we do not play any role in Marxism, yet we have decided what we do in this period. We make decisions for ourselves and exist in this way.
4.《美麗誤解》Beautiful Misunderstanding
互動作品 Interactive Piece行動指示: 聆聽這些以西班牙語、葡語、德語、日語、韓語朗讀的聶魯達《二十首情詩和一首絕望的歌》,隨意畫寫腦中的思緒。您可以選擇帶走寫了下來的美麗誤解,或貼於牆壁上與我們分享。
Instruction: Listen to readings of Pablo Neruda's "Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair" in Spanish, Portuguese, German, Japanese, and Korean. As you listen, write down your thoughts and feelings, and express them through art or words. Share your beautiful misunderstandings with us by posting them on the wall or keep them as a personal reflection.<><><><><><><>詩歌朗讀者 Poetry Readers西班牙語 Spanish:Sergio Pardo López
葡語 Portuguese:António Conceição
德語 German :張健文 Cheong Kin Man
日語 Japanese:小山文美 Hisami Koyama
韓語 Korean:박소영 Soyoung Park<><><><><><><>被思緒操控得一片混亂時,用更多符號以毒攻毒,輸入不一樣的東西。這個有趣點是關乎聲音渲染、直覺、錯覺、當下情感、接收輸出的落差,以及個人所長久累積,能用之於表達內在的詞彙。When your mind is a mess, input more but different symbols. It is interesting because it involves a sound impact, your instinct, illusion, your mood of that time, the difference between input and output, and the vocabulary you have long accumulated and can use to express yourself.
5.《生物連結》Connection with Other Creatures
互動作品 Interactive Piece行動指示:使用包裝袋盛去一些貓糧,漫步街上,去餵有緣遇見的貓隻。餵食結束後清潔整理現場。
Instruction: Pack a bag of cat food and take a stroll down the street. Keep an eye out for any cats you come across, and generously feed them. Remember to clean up the feeding site after you finish feeding the cats.<><><><><><><>唯一一個與其他生物有關的行動,溝通不良也存在單純的美好。在街上走動,隨機地遇上另一個生命體,作單向的給予。This is the only Exercise related to creatures other than human beings. Despite our poor communication with them, there is something purely good about the Exercise.Walk on the street and give something to any other creature you encounter.
梁祖賢 Joein, Leong Chou In
梁祖賢,澳門藝術家。她擅於利用其纖細的女性觸覺創作,試探領域包括錄像、攝影、設計、陶藝及填詞,藉以對生命、對世界作出回應。曾於北京、西安、重慶、首爾、台北、香港、澳門展出。近年參展與演出作品有:《簡單身體運動》、《靜默‧影照》、 《靜默‧移轉》(澳門城市藝穗節)、《雲雲—觀念攝影作品展》、《影落此城》(澳門藝術節)、《EXiM—澳門實驗錄像活動》、《腦背山下攝影展》、《20/20澳門字體百分百設計交流展》、《海報設計展‧首爾》。在「A' 國際設計大獎」、「澳門設計雙年展」獲得海報設計及書籍設計等獎項。Joein, Leong Chou In is a Macao artist adept at using her subtle feminine sensitivity to create works that respond to life and the world. Her art spans from video, photography, and design to ceramic art and lyrics.She has exhibited her art in Beijing, Xi'an, Chongqing, Seoul, Taipei, Hong Kong and Macao. The exhibitions where she has participated and the creations she has made in recent years are as follows: Simple Body Exercise, Tranquil・Luminous, Tranquillity・Transmission (Macao City Fringe Festival), Van Van — Conceptual Photography works, Here she dances (Macao Arts Festival), EXiM — Macau Experimental Video Festival, Below LaoBeiShan: Hengqin Today Photos and Videos Creative Exhibition, 20/20 Macao Typography Graphic Design Exchange Exhibition, and Poster Design Exhibition・Seoul.The artist was honored with poster and book design awards at A' Design & Competition and the Macao Design Biennale.Artist website: https://joeinleong.com/
埋欄文化 MyLand Culture
埋欄文化 2013年於澳門成立,以「人.社區.創意.生活」為願景關鍵詞。透過自主策展及與各界合作,建立當代藝術與社群的對話平台;藉跨界及跨地區的文化及藝術計劃,發掘及反映城市文化精神。2023年發起「埋欄客廳 MyLand Living Room」藝術空間計劃,實踐公共藝術空間的想像。MyLand Culture was established in Macao in 2013 with a vision focused on "people, community, creativity, and lifestyle." Our goal is to foster a platform for dialogue between contemporary art and the community through independent curation and collaboration. Through interdisciplinary and cross-regional cultural and art projects, we aspire to explore and reflect the cultural spirit of the city. As part of our continuous mission, we have launched the "MyLand Living Room" project in 2023, which envisions a public space for art.電郵 Email:[email protected]
身體陪伴靈魂的二十個生活行動 Twenty Exercises for the Body to be the Soul's Companion

作者 Author
梁祖賢 Joein, Leong Chou In出版 Publisher
埋欄文化 Myland Culture發行 Distribution
燈塔出版社 Guia Editora語種 Language
中、英雙語 Chinese and English定價 Price
澳門幣二百四十元 (MOP 240)
新台幣九百六十元 (NT 920)二零二三年三月澳門初版一刷
First Printing, First Edition, March 2023 | Published and printed in Macao銷售地點
Points of Purchase澳門 Macao
At Light
澳門卑第圍1號地下 (南灣政府總部後方,前往慈幼中學斜路中段)
Patio do Padre Narciso No.1, Macao更多本地及外地銷售點即將更新
Available at local and international bookstores soon查詢 Contact
[email protected]